SEAI Apartment EV Charger Grant - SEAI EV Charger Grant - ePower

Apartment Electric Vehicle Charger Grant

Apartment electric vehicle charger grant

SEAI EV Charger Grant

The SEAI Apartment Charger Grant assists residents and management companies who want to install a home charger for their Electric Vehicle and which are not covered by pre-existing grants.

Apartment EV Charger Grant Levels:
– Local Authority or Approved Housing Body can avail of 90% funding.
– Owners Management Companies can avail of an 80% funding level.
– Management Companies of Build-to-Rent Developments can avail of up to 60% funding.

If you manage or own apartments or other multi-unit developments you can now avail of a grant to cover the installation of an Electric Vehicle charging system on your site. Improve your client services by offering EV Charging points in the site car park.
See SEAI EV Charger Grant video for Management Companies below.

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For residents, there are two different routes to avail of the Apartment EV Charger grant:

1. If there is no existing EV Charging System in your car park, the company responsible for managing the complex must apply to SEAI’s Apartment Charger Scheme.
2. If a charger network is already present in your complex, contact your management company about joining the network and the fees that apply. See SEAI EV Charging Grant for tenants below.

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Our expert team install easy-to-use and reliable Electric Vehicle Charging Solutions to Apartments, Management Companies, Local Authorities and Landlords Nationwide. Our team are happy to discuss tailored solutions to suit your specific needs.

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